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Welcome to the Whitepine League website!

This website is a project by the Whitepine League Athletic Directors to help bring league information to one site that can easily be used by ADs, coaches, and fans. Our hope is this website will be the place for people to go to find league information.

The Whitepine League is comprised of 14 schools in District II. There are eight schools in 1A Division 1, and six schools in 1A Division 2.


The Division 1 schools are: Clearwater ValleyGeneseeKamiahLapwai, LogosPotlatchPrairie, and Troy.


The Division 2 schools are: DearyHighlandKendrickNezperceSt. John Bosco, and Timberline.


1A Division 1 and 1A Division 2 are used for Football, Volleyball, and Basketball.    Baseball, Softball, Cross-Country, and Track are 1A sports that are not separated by divisions - this is why all of the schools remain in the Whitepine League.


We hope you find this site provides you with sufficient league information. Please direct comments about the website to your local school athletic director. Wishing every school the best this school year!


Kelly Caldwell
President, Whitepine League

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